Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday 1/31/10 Chest/Bi

Warm Up: 10 minutes on bike

Warm Up: 1x25x12, 1x30x12

Working: 2x35x8, 1x40x5**
**Should get someone to spot me not used to getting this heavy of a load up...once I do I'm OK...

Warm Up: 1x65x10

Working: 1x75x10, 1x85x6 **1x85x8
**Got someone to spot me...should have gone to 10...but alas there was a language barrier...

Assisted...had between 17-20 reps in each set...wondering if less reps is better to go to failure or more is better...

Warm Up: 1x30x10, 1x40,10

Working: 1x45x7, 1x55x5, 1x55x6
*I was using my body a little to get the weight up...wondering if that is bad...

Warm Up: 1x35x15
Working: 1x50x12, 1x60x9, 1x70x9

Stairmills were taken...grrr

Incline Treadmill: 30 minutes

PT Stretching
20 minutes...

*Again it will take me awhile to figure out my proper weights but seems good so far.
Have alot of to do sunday errands.

MACRO'S: Cal: 1824 Carb: 191 Fat: 50 Protein: 160

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday 1/30/10 Legs

I have no clue how to do this so hopefully I'm doing this right! Macro's to be added later...

I did 10 minnutes of warm up on the bike. My Hamstring was pretty tight this am probably due to the fact it's not going to hit 20' today!

Leg Ex:
Warm Up: 1/80/15
Working: 1/110, 125/10**did a 3rd set of 1/140/9 just to see how high I can get...

Fr Squat:
Warm up: 2/45/15
Working: 1/55,65,77/12 1/85/10

Sumo DB SQ:
Warm up: 1/60/15
Working: 1/70/12 2/80/10

DB Step Up:
Working: 3/bodyweight/15**These were tough/...didn't want to push hammy could really feel it.

Calf Singles (??) NOt sure what this I did the Seated Angled Calf Machine

I stretched for about 20 minutes afterwards doing my PT Stretches. Obviously I should be going higher weight than all here...but alas I'm not even supposed to be doing squats yet so I took it easy. Was good to work my legs...I also realize that I am so used to high reps the weights I chose were too low for low will take me awhile to figure that out...
Also...strengthwise I will need some spotting as I get heavier...I could barely get the 80's off the rack! LOL!

MACRO'S: Cal: 1677 Carb: 153 Fat: 42 Protein: 125

**Was in Pain later that night while sitting...maybe I'm pushing it...maybe it was good pain...Or maybe I just was on my arse too long.